For years now I have dreamed of Yosemite. I've watched countless climbing films on it,looked at it in photos and dreamed that one day I would see it for myself. To actually stand under El Capitan and half Dome. Susie has shared my dream and watched many of the films along side me,so she was just as excited to see the place for herself.
That dream has finally become reality and has for filled a long standing desire to see probably the worlds best climbing destination.
The drive in is a long one but very beautiful with pine forests and flowing rivers.

Then you pass into the park.

The first views down into. Yosemite valley are worth pulling over for a photo.

And then when you least expect it there is the 7000plus high wall of El Capitan.

And further into the valley you get to see Half Dome.

How's that for a sunset photo?
What an amazing place.
We managed to get two nights accommodation at a place called Housekeeping. Basically a solid tent with a camp fire set up. All food had to be removed from your car and placed in solid steel lockers so the bears don't get too it. It's a huge fine if you don't do it and your car is towed.
They warn you about the bears but failed to mention the raccoons. One of which I found swinging off the rubbish bag before I'd had a chance to take it to the dumpster. The same raccoon then shot past Sue coming back from the toilets, scaring a few years off her.
I booked a guide for a day and went climbing in Yosemite in the shadow of El Capitan. Amazing rock to climb on.

This is one of the routes I climbed,all about the hand,finger and foot jam. I did a 5 pitch multi pitch which took a few hours and then a few single pitches. Unfortunately the rock got very hot and I'm now nursing heat blisters on my fingers.

We walked to Vernal falls. A very steep climb and we both did a great job getting to the top. It was a long steep climb then the stairs started!

This is from the top looking back down the valley,that's the trail to the left of the river.
On the way down we were even given a rainbow.

After we got back down we then walked to mirror lake and I got a cool shot.

We finished off the day with a few photos,including this one of me and uke under half dome.

The famous midnight lighting boulder.

And a closer view of El Capitan.

All in all well worth the visit and to stand under El Capitan and watch big wall climbers was a real treat. I do intend on coming back one day to climb half dome, I'm sure sue will be sporting binoculars to watch that one.
Uke complete me!
Location:Near Yosemite