Wednesday 10 July 2013


Life and Hope are involved in more than just providing food and homes for the underprivileged.
They also have an extensive sewing school where girls learn how to be very skilled seamstresses, they also assist young people with gaining education and a number of other projects.
One on these is PAGE ( project advancing girls education). Y Nol had taken us to meet the 25 young women who live here when we were with him but we returned for another day to assist with some tree planting.

New soil had been purchased by the Fef's ( Sue's school friend and her family) fundraising activity in Elwood and Sue's work colleague Ing had also made a generous donation to Sue which we are happy to say went toward some of the plants. The plants chosen will provide fruit,shelter and some are just nice to have around.
All of the girls got involved with the planting which involved collecting some good soil and digging holes.

Then about 50 small fruit trees and shade plants went in.

The girls were so into the activity that it was hard to help.

Here is their resident cat Simba hitching a ride.
After all the activity the girls insisted we stay for lunch. The generosity in this country from people that have nothing is quite humbling.

Here are most of the girls along with Pip,Gemma and Sally.

Soon our time in Siem Reap was at an end and we bid farewell to our Aussie friends and all our new friends too. ( Sue is now Facebook friends with our guide from the temple tour). We will return soon and maybe help teach English at the school.
It was time to take the boat ride to Battambang. I'll save that and some of our adventures for the next blog. The miniseries for this trip is nearly at an end.

Uke complete me!


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