Firstly let me warn any wary travellers, the metro system is fantastic, tickets easy to purchase, train running nearly every five minutes and super fast but be warned, do not get caught behind a dithery person getting on or off. The trains are run electronically, not by conductors or drivers so they stop, doors open, alarm sounds, doors close, train leaves. Simple! Except Susie was behind a very slow family and me behind her. She got halfway in the door as alarm sounds, I attempt to follow and got my arm crushed in the automatic doors, sue got hers caught too. We only had seconds to deal with the situation, resulting in sue getting on the train, me off and yelling,"I'll catch the next one". Sue later informed me,when we found each other a few stops down,that the two adults of the family dithered so much that as the train catapulted from the station they both fell over! Karma maybe?
Anyway a few bruises and a lesson learned. The next time I caught the train I leapt on, don't get in ma way, I'm coming through!
Prior to the great train injury we had visited the Louvre.

What a place that is. Just the rooms are magnificent, never mind the art.

Oh there are a few must sees.
Some unhappy smiling lady.

And another one with no arms.

The crowds were crazy but in my old age I've decided that when I want to get a good photo, I'll just push through where once I would stand back. We also sat for some time among some great works. It was worth the crazy crowds and the queues to see some wonderful pieces.
The final day in Paris was spent at the arc de Triomphe and walking down the Champs Élysées.

We walked up to the top of the Arc, fantastic! I can highly recommend this. Much cheaper than the tower, hardly any queuing and not too busy. The spiral staircase made for some great photos as did the view from the top.

Ooh what is that in the background?

And a wonderful diorama down the Champs!

We were planning on hiring bikes just so I could say I had ridden on the Champs Élysées but the weather was not our friend. We walked instead and enjoyed a Nutella crepe that was to die for. A well earned chocolate lava experience. What a wonderful day.

Thank you Paris. We have two more days with you on our returning leg so another crepe will be in order. In all Paris was everything I hoped it would be and as we have plenty of time we are not stressing to see it all in one day. Next blog will be from our current location and your not going to believe what our accommodation looks like.
Uke complete me.
Location:Somewhere in the South of France
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