Thursday 22 November 2012

The finer art of deep water soloing

Today sue and i headed out for a deep water solo day. We were meant to go yesterday but the weather was against us and it rained all morning. So the trip was postponed to today.
We met up around 10, there were 11 people in all, mostly Americans and a couple from south Africa.
A long tail took us out to a yacht anchored in the bay. Ooh a yacht I hear you say. Well this one was special,it hadn't been under sail for so long all the turnbuckles were locked solid and it had dodgy steering, meaning the captain kept having to stop the motor and let the wind blow us back on course. That and the fact it kept overheating requiring someone to pour water into the motor, yes it was a yacht!
We took a while to reach the rock so with enthusiasm myself and fellow sailors disembarked and climbed up the rock.

I elected to wear my 'hot, like a sunrise shorts.
The fellow in blue shorts fell off moments after this photo, I should have followed his lead but stupidly continued climbing up to the ledge.

Yes I am sitting up there furthest from the camera and now sheer terror has taken hold.
Susie filmed the jump and the awkward landing. Did you know water is like solid ground from a height.
I've now got the most sensational bruises on the back of my legs and bum! And would you believe the palm of my hand.
I lay in the water after the jump, gave the Thai fellow in the boat the thumbs up and lay there feeling the pain and the exhilaration of the jump. I jumped twice more from lower down after that.
Then one of the Thai fellows showed us how it's done.

We moved to another spot that was just too high for me,but not to some.

Here is one of us both aboard the yacht.

In all an interesting day. We went snorkeling in the coral and saw a huge fish,giant clams and a couple of crabs too.
Didn't really talk much to the others on the boat, one guy had way to much plastic surgery and another fellow referred to when he was young, he was all about 27! I'm probably getting a bit to old to go crashing off cliffs but glad I've given it a try, now back to reading my book by the pool. Can't go climbing till the bruises calm down.

Uke complete me!

Location:Railay Thailand

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